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Legal notices

​TlinassiaaPlease read carefully the different terms of use of this site before browsing its pages. By connectingnt on this site, you accept these terms and conditions without reservation. In accordance with article n°6 of Law n°2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, Tlinassiaa (pseudonym of Noémie Milne) is a sole trader and is the owner of the website She is also the editorial manager of the site as well as the site designer. The company's trading name is Tlinassiaa.


Site Editor:

Tlinassiaa (pseudonym of Noémie Milne)

SIRET number: 90451204300012

Professional address: rue de la Jonquiere 75017 Paris



Site host: 


Terms of Sales

Between :
Tlinassiaa (pseudonym of Noémie Milne), individual entrepreneur, SIRET number: 90451204300012, professional address: rue de la Jonquiere 75017 Paris, professional contact:

The customer.

Careful reading and acceptance of these general conditions of sale are an obligation before any purchase made on this site. These define the conditions.


These general conditions of sale (hereinafter the T&Cs) apply to all sales made on the site
All Customers acknowledge having read these General Terms and Conditions before placing their order for all of the works offered on this site (online courses, conferences, meditations). Orders and registrations entail the customer's adherence to the General Terms and Conditions and their acceptance by the Customer without reservation.


The Site allows the user, in particular, to search, find
information and register or book individual services, online events, or online courses offered by Tlinassiaa.


ARTICLE 1 – Fields of application

These general conditions of sale apply, without restriction or reservation, to all works (meditations, online courses, conferences) offered by Tlinassiaa on its website

The following works are proposed by Tlinassiaa:

  • pre-recorded meditation audios

  • booking tickets for online (on Zoom) or in-person conferences;

  • pre-recorded online course videos

Warning: all the information and works mentioned on this site are not intended to replace a medical consultation, nor to diagnose or treat any pathology. If you have health problems, I invite you to consult your doctor. You stayMasters of your decisions and have your free will at your disposal. My works are only aimed at to peopleadults, having the mental and legal capacity to make decisions for themselves and to exercise discernment. Always listen to your intuition and vary the sources of information. What I say is my personal opinion. I respect everyone's beliefs.

These General Terms and Conditions are accessible at any time on this website and will prevail, where applicable, over any other version or any other contradictory document.

The validation of any order placed on the site by the Customer constitutes unreserved acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions. 

The Customer also acknowledges that, prior to any order, he has received sufficient information from Tlinassiaa and the doctors usually following him, allowing him to ensure the adequacy of the ordered offer to his expectations as well as to his state of health.

The Client declares that he is capable of contracting under French law and declares, where applicable, to validly represent the person for whom he is contracting.


ARTICLE 2 – Legal notices

The techniques practiced have no medical aim and are not comparable to acts reserved for health professions regulated by the Public Health Code and Decree No. 96-879 of October 8, 1996, nor to those of osteopaths, chiropractors and beauticians. . They do not correspond to those practiced within the framework of a regulated profession.

ARTICLE 3 – Taking registrations/reservations

The customer completes his registration/reservation on the website To do this, he must follow the different steps proposed and accept the general conditions of sale.
An email confirming registration/reservation for the requested offer will be sent following confirmation of online payment, as well as an invoice.


ARTICLE 4 – Price, means and conditions of payment

The prices indicated on the website are expressed in Euros and all taxes included. The offers are provided at the current prices appearing on the site, when the order is registered. 

These prices are firm and non-revisable during their period of validity, as indicated on the offers sales page. These prices may be revised during promotional offers or one-off operations. Except in special offers and at the end of any possible trial period, the total acquisition price of the ordered offer will be required. 

Validation of the order by the Customer includes total and unconditional acceptance by the Customer of these general conditions of sale.

After validation and payment of the order by the customer, Tlinassiaa sends him a
confirmation email as well as an invoice. These emails are proof that the order has been taken into account and recorded. If the customer does not receive an order confirmation, he must contact Tlinassiaa within 24 hours by e-mail (

Payment for the order is made online on the site, when placing the order, using the following payment methods: credit card via the Stripe online payment platform. Payments by credit card are debited when the Customer places the order.


ARTICLE 5 – Provision of services

Live conferences booked by the Client will be set up in accordance with the indicated conference start date. If this date cannot be respected, Tlinassiaa will offer the customer another solution (postponement or cancellation). 

Access to online course videos and meditations offered by Tlinassiaa is made after receipt of the Customer's online payment and after the customer has waived his 14-day withdrawal period, if applicable. Once access to the videos and audios ordered by the Client is obtained by the Client, these will no longer be refundable. 

ARTICLE 6 – Withdrawal

For any online order made on the site, the Customer has a period of fourteen clear days to exercise his right of withdrawal without having to provide reasons or pay penalties, from the date the order is placed by the Customer. Specific conditions apply depending on the offer ordered by the Customer.  

  • In case of ordering videos from online courses or meditation audios by the Customer, access to these will be transmitted to them from the date the order is placed. The Customer will then automatically waive his right of withdrawal and will no longer be able to exercise it.

  • If the Client registers for a conference, access to the latter will be transmitted to him at the start time of said conference. From the date of placing his order, the Customer may exercise his right of withdrawal within 14 days, provided that the conference has not started before he issues his request.


Any withdrawal request respecting the preceding conditions, made within fourteen days after the date of placing any order, must be sent to Tlinassiaa by e-mail to the address, within fourteen days after the date the order is placed and before the individual services ordered are completed. 

If the Customer exercises the right of withdrawal, in accordance with the previous conditions, Tlinassiaa will reimburse the sums paid by the Customer, free of charge, within a maximum of 30 days from the date of the withdrawal request. This reimbursement will be made by any means of payment.

No withdrawal request after a period of fourteen days after the date the order was placed will be accepted by Tlinassiaa. 


ARTICLE 7 – Postponement, cancellation and modification of an appointment or order

  • For any conference reservation: A registration for a conference may be canceled provided that the registered person contacts Tlinassiaa by email at
    the address 72 hours before the scheduled date of the event. Any cancellation request after this deadline cannot be taken into account. In this case, the settlement will remain acquired in Tlinassiaa.
    In the event of a request for cancellation of registration by the Client, in accordance with the previous conditions, Tlinassiaa will reimburse the sums paid by the Client, free of charge, within a maximum period of 30 days from the date of request for registration. cancelation. This reimbursement will be made by any means of payment.


  • For any online course video or meditation audio order: The customer will no longer be able to cancel their order once they have received access to the videos or audios ordered. His order will no longer be refundable once he has received access.


ARTICLE 8 – Liability and Insurance

Tlinassiaa is responsible for the proper management of its works and conferences. However, its obligation is an obligation of means and not of results. Tlinassiaa makes no promise of results to the Client. 

Tlinassiaa recalls that all of the works offered on its site does not in any way replace medical advice, advice, or treatment. All the information and offers offered on this site are not intended to replace a medical consultation, nor to diagnose or treat any pathology. If the Customer has health problems, he or she is invited to consult his or her doctor(s) without delay and to continue taking the treatments prescribed by his or her various doctors. No medical advice will be given by Tlinassiaa on this site or through this site. No promise of cure for any pathology from which the Client suffers will be given by Tlinassiaa on this site or through this site. 
The Client is fully responsible for his or her physical, mental, energetic and spiritual health. It is up to the Client to make all the checks that seem necessary or appropriate before placing an order for offers on this site, from Tlinassiaa and the various doctors following the Client.


On this site, Tlinassiaa offers tools allowing the Client, if he wishes, to accelerate his personal spiritual development. He remains in control of his decisions at all times and has his free will at his disposal in all cases. Tlinassiaa's works are intended only for adults who have the mental and legal capacity to make decisions for themselves. 

In the event of pregnancy and whatever the desired offer, the Customer undertakes to have requested the prior opinion of the doctor(s) usually following him. The same applies to people aged over sixty and fragile and vulnerable people, such as, for example, without this list being considered restrictive or exhaustive: people suffering from serious chronic pathologies (somatic and psychiatric), people prone to allergies, etc. 

Tlinassiaa certifies having taken out professional civil and operating liability insurance with an insurance company established in France, guaranteeing the financial consequences of its professional civil liability due to damage and harm that could be caused to the client and any third party in the framework for the execution of its services. It undertakes to maintain it in force throughout the duration of its commitments.

ARTICLE 9 – Force majeure

Tlinassiaa cannot be held responsible towards the Client in the event of non-performance of its obligations resulting from an event of force majeure. The following are considered cases of force majeure or fortuitous events, in addition to those usually recognized by the jurisprudence of the French Courts and Tribunals and without this list being restrictive: strikes or internal or external social conflicts, natural disasters, fires, interruption of telecommunications, interruption of energy supply, interruption of communications, interruption of the internet network or transport of any type, or any other circumstance beyond the reasonable control of Tlinassiaa.


ARTICLE 10 – Protection of personal data, IT and freedoms

Tlinassiaa informs the Customer that personal data concerning him or her are collected and processed for the purposes of improving the offers offered.
The personal data concerning the Customer are necessary to process their request and are intended for internal use by Tlinassiaa. These personal data concerning him are necessary for the management, security and validation of the Customer's online request. This data is also necessary for sending commercial offers from Tlinassiaa when the Customer has given his consent. 
This personal data concerning the Customer will not be transmitted to third parties. In accordance with law 78-17 of January 6, 1978, the Customer has a right of permanent access, modification, rectification and opposition with regard to personal data concerning him, by directly making a request via e-mail to Tlinassiaa, at the e-mail address



ARTICLE 11 – Intellectual property

The entire content of the site is the property of Tlinassiaa (and its official name N.M.) and is protected by French and international laws relating to intellectual property.

Tlinassiaa is the sole owner of the intellectual property rights of all the offers it offers to its Customers, for all content and educational materials whatever their form.
These contents may not be subject to any use, transformation, reproduction or exploitation not expressly authorized within or outside any person other than Tlinassiaa, without the express written handwritten agreement of Tlinassiaa and its official name.

The Client undertakes not to send the documents, PDFs, videos, images, links provided to him to a third party and to use the content of the online courses offered on this site to train other people and assumes responsibility for the basis of articles L.122-4 and L.335-2 et seq. of the intellectual property code in the event of unauthorized transfer or communication of content.

Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, transmission, distortion, total or partial, of the contents of the offers and information offered on this site (texts, blog articles, individual services, online courses, events, recordings, video replays, PDF) , is formally prohibited under penalty of prosecution, regardless of the process and medium used. In return for payment of the corresponding prices, the PDFs and online courses offered on this site are subject to a personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive right of use for an unlimited period. 

In any case, Tlinassiaa remains the owner of its tools, methods and know-how used in the offers offered on this site.


ARTICLE 12 – Applicable law

These General Conditions of Sale are governed by French law and subject to French law as well as all disputes relating, in particular, to their validity, interpretation, execution or termination.

They are written in French. In the event that they are translated into one or more languages, only the French text will be authentic in the event of a dispute.


ARTICLE 13 – Communication of customer reviews

The Client accepts that he and his opinion will be cited by Tlinassiaa as the Client of its offers, at Tlinassiaa's expense, after prior agreement from the Client. Tlinassiaa is thus authorized to mention the Customer's first name and to share or mention the Customer's opinion of their experience of the offers offered by Tlinassiaa, with the Customer's prior agreement. These mentions may be made by Tlinassiaa on this website, on its official social networks, as well as in the event of legal, regulatory or accounting provisions requiring it.


ARTICLE 14 – Disputes


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